
What Type Of Animal Tissue Contains Blood, Cartilage, And Bone?

The Animal Body: Basic Course and Role

Animal Primary Tissues



Learning Objectives

By the terminate of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe epithelial tissues
  • Discuss the different types of connective tissues in animals
  • Describe three types of muscle tissues
  • Describe nervous tissue

The tissues of multicellular, complex animals are iv principal types: epithelial, connective, musculus, and nervous. Recall that tissues are groups of like cells group of similar cells carrying out related functions. These tissues combine to form organs—like the skin or kidney—that have specific, specialized functions within the body. Organs are organized into organ systems to perform functions; examples include the circulatory system, which consists of the heart and blood vessels, and the digestive system, consisting of several organs, including the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. Organ systems come together to create an unabridged organism.

Epithelial Tissues

Epithelial tissues cover the exterior of organs and structures in the torso and line the lumens of organs in a single layer or multiple layers of cells. The types of epithelia are classified past the shapes of cells present and the number of layers of cells. Epithelia composed of a single layer of cells is called elementary epithelia; epithelial tissue composed of multiple layers is called stratified epithelia. [link] summarizes the unlike types of epithelial tissues.

Different Types of Epithelial Tissues
Jail cell shape Clarification Location
squamous flat, irregular round shape elementary: lung alveoli, capillaries stratified: skin, mouth, vagina
cuboidal cube shaped, central nucleus glands, renal tubules
columnar tall, narrow, nucleus toward base
tall, narrow, nucleus along cell
simple: digestive tract
pseudostratified: respiratory tract
transitional round, elementary but announced stratified urinary bladder

Squamous Epithelia

Squamous epithelial cells are generally round, flat, and have a small, centrally located nucleus. The cell outline is slightly irregular, and cells fit together to grade a covering or lining. When the cells are arranged in a single layer (simple epithelia), they facilitate improvidence in tissues, such as the areas of gas substitution in the lungs and the exchange of nutrients and waste at claret capillaries.

Squamous epithelia cells (a) accept a slightly irregular shape, and a small, centrally located nucleus. These cells can exist stratified into layers, as in (b) this human cervix specimen. (credit b: modification of piece of work by Ed Uthman; scale-bar information from Matt Russell)

Illustration A shows irregularly shaped cells with a central nucleus. Micrograph B shows a cross section of squamous cells from the human cervix. In the upper layer the cells appear to be tightly packed. In they middle layer they appear to be more loosely packed, and in the lower layer they are flatter and elongated.

[link]a illustrates a layer of squamous cells with their membranes joined together to form an epithelium. Image [link]b illustrates squamous epithelial cells arranged in stratified layers, where protection is needed on the body from outside abrasion and damage. This is chosen a stratified squamous epithelium and occurs in the pare and in tissues lining the mouth and vagina.

Cuboidal Epithelia

Cuboidal epithelial cells, shown in [link], are cube-shaped with a single, key nucleus. They are most commonly constitute in a unmarried layer representing a uncomplicated epithelia in glandular tissues throughout the body where they prepare and secrete glandular material. They are as well found in the walls of tubules and in the ducts of the kidney and liver.

Simple cuboidal epithelial cells line tubules in the mammalian kidney, where they are involved in filtering the blood.

Illustration shows cells, shaped like slices of pie, arranged in a circle. The hub of the circle is empty. Three of these circles of cells cluster together.

Columnar Epithelia

Columnar epithelial cells are taller than they are wide: they resemble a stack of columns in an epithelial layer, and are most commonly plant in a single-layer arrangement. The nuclei of columnar epithelial cells in the digestive tract appear to be lined up at the base of the cells, equally illustrated in [link]. These cells absorb cloth from the lumen of the digestive tract and prepare it for entry into the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Elementary columnar epithelial cells blot material from the digestive tract. Goblet cells underground mucous into the digestive tract lumen.

Illustration shows tall, columnar cells arranged side-by-side. Each cell has a nucleus located near the bottom, and cilia extending from the top. Two oval goblet cells are interspersed among the columnar epithelial cells. The goblet cells, which are shorter than the columnar cells, are in direct contact with the intestinal lumen. Beneath the columnar cells is a layer of horizontal cells.

Columnar epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract appear to exist stratified. All the same, each prison cell is attached to the base of operations membrane of the tissue and, therefore, they are uncomplicated tissues. The nuclei are arranged at unlike levels in the layer of cells, making it appear as though in that location is more one layer, as seen in [link]. This is called pseudostratified, columnar epithelia. This cellular covering has cilia at the upmost, or free, surface of the cells. The cilia raise the motion of mucous and trapped particles out of the respiratory tract, helping to protect the system from invasive microorganisms and harmful cloth that has been breathed into the body. Goblet cells are interspersed in some tissues (such as the lining of the trachea). The goblet cells contain mucous that traps irritants, which in the case of the trachea keep these irritants from getting into the lungs.

Pseudostratified columnar epithelia line the respiratory tract. They exist in i layer, but the organisation of nuclei at different levels makes it appear that at that place is more than ane layer. Goblet cells interspersed between the columnar epithelial cells secrete mucous into the respiratory tract.

Illustration shows columnar cells arranged side-by-side. The cells are wide at the top, and thin at the bottom. Shorter columnar cells are interspersed between the lower, thin part of the tall columnar cells. Some of these cells extend to the surface of the epithelium, but they are very thin at the top. The nuclei of the tall columnar cells are located near the top, and the nuclei of the shorter columnar cells are located near the bottom, giving the appearance of two layers of cells. Cilia extend from the top of the tall columnar cells. Oval goblet cells are interspersed among the columnar epithelial cells. Beneath the columnar cells is a layer of horizontal cells.

Transitional Epithelia

Transitional or uroepithelial cells appear simply in the urinary organization, primarily in the float and ureter. These cells are arranged in a stratified layer, but they have the capability of appearing to pile upwardly on summit of each other in a relaxed, empty float, as illustrated in [link]. As the urinary bladder fills, the epithelial layer unfolds and expands to hold the book of urine introduced into information technology. As the bladder fills, it expands and the lining becomes thinner. In other words, the tissue transitions from thick to sparse.

Art Connectedness

Transitional epithelia of the urinary bladder undergo changes in thickness depending on how full the float is.

Illustration shows tall, diamond-shaped cells layered one on top of the other.

Which of the post-obit statements nigh types of epithelial cells is false?

  1. Simple columnar epithelial cells line the tissue of the lung.
  2. Simple cuboidal epithelial cells are involved in the filtering of blood in the kidney.
  3. Pseudostratisfied columnar epithilia occur in a single layer, but the system of nuclei makes information technology appear that more than 1 layer is present.
  4. Transitional epithelia alter in thickness depending on how full the float is.


Connective Tissues

Connective tissues are made up of a matrix consisting of living cells and a non-living substance, chosen the footing substance. The basis substance is made of an organic substance (usually a protein) and an inorganic substance (usually a mineral or water). The primary cell of connective tissues is the fibroblast. This cell makes the fibers plant in nearly all of the connective tissues. Fibroblasts are motile, able to carry out mitosis, and tin can synthesize whichever connective tissue is needed. Macrophages, lymphocytes, and, occasionally, leukocytes tin can be found in some of the tissues. Some tissues have specialized cells that are not institute in the others. The matrix in connective tissues gives the tissue its density. When a connective tissue has a high concentration of cells or fibers, it has proportionally a less dense matrix.

The organic portion or poly peptide fibers found in connective tissues are either collagen, elastic, or reticular fibers. Collagen fibers provide force to the tissue, preventing it from beingness torn or separated from the surrounding tissues. Elastic fibers are made of the protein elastin; this fiber can stretch to one and one half of its length and render to its original size and shape. Elastic fibers provide flexibility to the tissues. Reticular fibers are the 3rd type of poly peptide fiber found in connective tissues. This fiber consists of sparse strands of collagen that form a network of fibers to back up the tissue and other organs to which it is connected. The various types of connective tissues, the types of cells and fibers they are made of, and sample locations of the tissues is summarized in [link].

Connective Tissues
Tissue Cells Fibers Location
loose/areolar fibroblasts, macrophages, some lymphocytes, some neutrophils few: collagen, rubberband, reticular around blood vessels; anchors epithelia
dense, fibrous connective tissue fibroblasts, macrophages, mostly collagen irregular: skin regular: tendons, ligaments
cartilage chondrocytes, chondroblasts hyaline: few collagen fibrocartilage: big amount of collagen shark skeleton, fetal bones, homo ears, intervertebral discs
os osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts some: collagen, rubberband vertebrate skeletons
adipose adipocytes few adipose (fat)
claret red claret cells, white blood cells none claret

Loose/Areolar Connective Tissue

Loose connective tissue, also called areolar connective tissue, has a sampling of all of the components of a connective tissue. Every bit illustrated in [link], loose connective tissue has some fibroblasts; macrophages are present likewise. Collagen fibers are relatively wide and stain a low-cal pink, while rubberband fibers are thin and stain dark blue to blackness. The space betwixt the formed elements of the tissue is filled with the matrix. The cloth in the connective tissue gives information technology a loose consistency similar to a cotton ball that has been pulled apart. Loose connective tissue is found around every claret vessel and helps to keep the vessel in identify. The tissue is also plant around and between almost body organs. In summary, areolar tissue is tough, withal flexible, and comprises membranes.

Loose connective tissue is composed of loosely woven collagen and rubberband fibers. The fibers and other components of the connective tissue matrix are secreted by fibroblasts.

Illustration shows thick collagen fibers and thin elastin fibers loosely woven together in an irregular network. Oval fibroblasts are interspersed among the fibers.

Fibrous Connective Tissue

Fibrous connective tissues comprise large amounts of collagen fibers and few cells or matrix fabric. The fibers tin can exist arranged irregularly or regularly with the strands lined up in parallel. Irregularly arranged fibrous connective tissues are found in areas of the body where stress occurs from all directions, such as the dermis of the skin. Regular fibrous connective tissue, shown in [link], is establish in tendons (which connect muscles to basic) and ligaments (which connect bones to bones).

Gristly connective tissue from the tendon has strands of collagen fibers lined upwardly in parallel.

Illustration shows parallel collagen fibers woven tightly together. Interspersed among the collagen fibers are long, thin fibroblasts.


Cartilage is a connective tissue with a big corporeality of the matrix and variable amounts of fibers. The cells, called chondrocytes, brand the matrix and fibers of the tissue. Chondrocytes are establish in spaces within the tissue called lacunae.

A cartilage with few collagen and elastic fibers is hyaline cartilage, illustrated in [link]. The lacunae are randomly scattered throughout the tissue and the matrix takes on a milky or scrubbed advent with routine histological stains. Sharks accept cartilaginous skeletons, every bit does nearly the entire human skeleton during a specific pre-nascence developmental stage. A remnant of this cartilage persists in the outer portion of the human olfactory organ. Hyaline cartilage is as well establish at the ends of long basic, reducing friction and cushioning the articulations of these bones.

Hyaline cartilage consists of a matrix with cells chosen chondrocytes embedded in it. The chondrocytes exist in cavities in the matrix called lacunae.

Illustration shows pairs of chondrocytes embedded in a matrix. The parts of the cells that face one another are flat, and the outer surfaces are rounded. Each cell has a small, rounded nucleus.

Rubberband cartilage has a big amount of elastic fibers, giving information technology tremendous flexibility. The ears of near vertebrate animals incorporate this cartilage equally practise portions of the larynx, or voice box. Fibrocartilage contains a big corporeality of collagen fibers, giving the tissue tremendous strength. Fibrocartilage comprises the intervertebral discs in vertebrate animals. Hyaline cartilage institute in movable joints such as the knee joint and shoulder becomes damaged equally a result of age or trauma. Damaged hyaline cartilage is replaced by fibrocartilage and results in the joints becoming "stiff."


Bone, or osseous tissue, is a connective tissue that has a large amount of two different types of matrix material. The organic matrix is like to the matrix cloth institute in other connective tissues, including some amount of collagen and rubberband fibers. This gives force and flexibility to the tissue. The inorganic matrix consists of mineral salts—generally calcium salts—that give the tissue hardness. Without adequate organic material in the matrix, the tissue breaks; without adequate inorganic fabric in the matrix, the tissue bends.

In that location are three types of cells in bone: osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts are active in making bone for growth and remodeling. Osteoblasts deposit bone material into the matrix and, afterwards the matrix surrounds them, they keep to live, only in a reduced metabolic state as osteocytes. Osteocytes are institute in lacunae of the bone. Osteoclasts are agile in breaking downward bone for bone remodeling, and they provide access to calcium stored in tissues. Osteoclasts are usually found on the surface of the tissue.

Bone can be divided into two types: compact and spongy. Compact os is establish in the shaft (or diaphysis) of a long os and the surface of the flat bones, while spongy bone is found in the end (or epiphysis) of a long bone. Meaty bone is organized into subunits called osteons, as illustrated in [link]. A blood vessel and a nerve are found in the heart of the structure within the Haversian canal, with radiating circles of lacunae around it known every bit lamellae. The wavy lines seen between the lacunae are microchannels chosen canaliculi; they connect the lacunae to aid diffusion between the cells. Spongy bone is made of tiny plates chosen trabeculae these plates serve as struts to requite the spongy bone forcefulness. Over fourth dimension, these plates can break causing the bone to become less resilient. Os tissue forms the internal skeleton of vertebrate animals, providing structure to the animal and points of attachment for tendons.

(a) Compact bone is a dense matrix on the outer surface of bone. Spongy bone, inside the compact bone, is porous with web-similar trabeculae. (b) Meaty bone is organized into rings called osteons. Blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels are found in the central Haversian canal. Rings of lamellae environs the Haversian culvert. Betwixt the lamellae are cavities called lacunae. Canaliculi are microchannels connecting the lacunae together. (c) Osteoblasts surround the exterior of the bone. Osteoclasts bore tunnels into the bone and osteocytes are found in the lacunae.

Illustration A shows a cross section of a long bone with wide protrusions at either end. The outer part is compact bone. Inside the compact bone is porous spongy bone made of web-like trabreculae. The spongy bone fills the wide part at either end of the bone. In the middle, a hollow exists inside the spongy bone. Illustration B shows several circular osteons clustered together in compact bone. At the hub of each osteon is an opening called the Haversian canal filled with blood and lymph vessels and nerves. The lamellae surrounding the Haversian canal resemble tree rings.  Lacunae are wide spaces in the rings between the lamellae. Microchannels called canaliculi radiate through the rings out from the central Haversian canal, connecting the lacunae together. Illustration C shows small osteoclasts surrounding the outside of bone. Larger osteoclasts are also on the outer surface, forming a hollow in the bone. Osteocytes are long, thin cells in the lacunae.

Adipose Tissue

Adipose tissue, or fat tissue, is considered a connective tissue even though it does not take fibroblasts or a real matrix and only has a few fibers. Adipose tissue is made up of cells called adipocytes that collect and store fat in the form of triglycerides, for energy metabolism. Adipose tissues additionally serve as insulation to help maintain body temperatures, allowing animals to be endothermic, and they function every bit cushioning confronting impairment to body organs. Under a microscope, adipose tissue cells appear empty due to the extraction of fat during the processing of the textile for viewing, as seen in [link]. The thin lines in the paradigm are the cell membranes, and the nuclei are the small, blackness dots at the edges of the cells.

Adipose is a connective tissue is made up of cells called adipocytes. Adipocytes have minor nuclei localized at the cell edge.

Illustration shows irregularly shaped cells with tiny nuclei clustered next to the cell's outer membrane.


Claret is considered a connective tissue because it has a matrix, as shown in [link]. The living cell types are red blood cells (RBC), also chosen erythrocytes, and white blood cells (WBC), also called leukocytes. The fluid portion of whole claret, its matrix, is commonly chosen plasma.

Blood is a connective tissue that has a fluid matrix, called plasma, and no fibers. Erythrocytes (ruby blood cells), the predominant cell type, are involved in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Too present are various leukocytes (white blood cells) involved in allowed response.

Different types of blood cells are shown. Red blood cells are disc-shaped, with a central indentation. Platelets are much smaller than red blood cells, narrow and long. Neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and basophils are all about three times the diameter of a red blood cell and round. They differ in the shape of the nucleus, and in the presence or absence of granules in the cytoplasm. Macrophages, which are the largest cell type, have pseudopods which give them an irregular shape.

The cell establish in greatest abundance in blood is the erythrocyte. Erythrocytes are counted in millions in a blood sample: the average number of cherry-red blood cells in primates is iv.vii to five.5 1000000 cells per microliter. Erythrocytes are consistently the same size in a species, but vary in size between species. For example, the boilerplate diameter of a primate ruddy blood cell is vii.v µl, a dog is close at 7.0 µl, but a cat's RBC diameter is 5.9 µl. Sheep erythrocytes are fifty-fifty smaller at 4.6 µl. Mammalian erythrocytes lose their nuclei and mitochondria when they are released from the bone marrow where they are made. Fish, amphibian, and avian reddish blood cells maintain their nuclei and mitochondria throughout the jail cell's life. The principal chore of an erythrocyte is to bear and deliver oxygen to the tissues.

Leukocytes are the predominant white claret cells found in the peripheral blood. Leukocytes are counted in the thousands in the blood with measurements expressed as ranges: primate counts range from 4,800 to 10,800 cells per µl, dogs from v,600 to 19,200 cells per µl, cats from eight,000 to 25,000 cells per µl, cattle from 4,000 to 12,000 cells per µl, and pigs from 11,000 to 22,000 cells per µl.

Lymphocytes function primarily in the immune response to strange antigens or material. Different types of lymphocytes brand antibodies tailored to the strange antigens and control the production of those antibodies. Neutrophils are phagocytic cells and they participate in one of the early lines of defense against microbial invaders, aiding in the removal of bacteria that has entered the body. Some other leukocyte that is plant in the peripheral blood is the monocyte. Monocytes give rising to phagocytic macrophages that make clean upwardly dead and damaged cells in the body, whether they are strange or from the host animal. Two additional leukocytes in the claret are eosinophils and basophils—both aid to facilitate the inflammatory response.

The slightly granular fabric among the cells is a cytoplasmic fragment of a cell in the bone marrow. This is called a platelet or thrombocyte. Platelets participate in the stages leading upwardly to coagulation of the blood to stop bleeding through damaged blood vessels. Blood has a number of functions, but primarily it transports fabric through the body to bring nutrients to cells and remove waste material from them.

Muscle Tissues

In that location are iii types of muscle in animal bodies: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac. They differ by the presence or absence of striations or bands, the number and location of nuclei, whether they are voluntarily or involuntarily controlled, and their location within the body. [link] summarizes these differences.

Types of Muscles
Type of Muscle Striations Nuclei Control Location
smooth no single, in centre involuntary visceral organs
skeletal yeah many, at periphery voluntary skeletal muscles
cardiac yep single, in center involuntary center

Smooth Muscle

Smooth musculus does non take striations in its cells. It has a single, centrally located nucleus, equally shown in [link]. Constriction of polish musculus occurs under involuntary, autonomic nervous control and in response to local conditions in the tissues. Polish muscle tissue is also chosen non-striated every bit it lacks the banded appearance of skeletal and cardiac muscle. The walls of blood vessels, the tubes of the digestive arrangement, and the tubes of the reproductive systems are composed of generally smooth muscle.

Smoothen muscle cells do not have striations, while skeletal muscle cells do. Cardiac muscle cells have striations, only, unlike the multinucleate skeletal cells, they have just one nucleus. Cardiac musculus tissue as well has intercalated discs, specialized regions running along the plasma membrane that join adjacent cardiac musculus cells and assist in passing an electrical impulse from cell to cell.

The smooth muscle cells are long and arranged in parallel bands. Each cell has a long, narrow nucleus. Skeletal muscle cells are also long but have striations across them and many small nuclei per cell. Cardiac muscles are shorter than smooth or skeletal muscle cells, and each cell has one nucleus.

Skeletal Muscle

Skeletal muscle has striations beyond its cells acquired by the organization of the contractile proteins actin and myosin. These muscle cells are relatively long and have multiple nuclei along the edge of the cell. Skeletal muscle is under voluntary, somatic nervous organization control and is found in the muscles that move basic. [link] illustrates the histology of skeletal muscle.

Cardiac Muscle

Cardiac muscle, shown in [link], is found only in the heart. Like skeletal musculus, it has cantankerous striations in its cells, merely cardiac muscle has a single, centrally located nucleus. Cardiac muscle is non under voluntary command but tin can be influenced by the autonomic nervous system to speed up or slow downwards. An added feature to cardiac muscle cells is a line than extends along the end of the jail cell every bit information technology abuts the side by side cardiac cell in the row. This line is called an intercalated disc: it assists in passing electrical impulse efficiently from one cell to the next and maintains the strong connection between neighboring cardiac cells.

Nervous Tissues

Nervous tissues are made of cells specialized to receive and transmit electric impulses from specific areas of the body and to send them to specific locations in the body. The main cell of the nervous organization is the neuron, illustrated in [link]. The big structure with a central nucleus is the cell body of the neuron. Projections from the cell body are either dendrites specialized in receiving input or a unmarried axon specialized in transmitting impulses. Some glial cells are also shown. Astrocytes regulate the chemical environment of the nerve prison cell, and oligodendrocytes insulate the axon then the electric nerve impulse is transferred more efficiently. Other glial cells that are not shown back up the nutritional and waste requirements of the neuron. Some of the glial cells are phagocytic and remove debris or damaged cells from the tissue. A nerve consists of neurons and glial cells.

The neuron has projections called dendrites that receive signals and projections called axons that transport signals. Also shown are 2 types of glial cells: astrocytes regulate the chemical environment of the nervus cell, and oligodendrocytes insulate the axon so the electric nerve impulse is transferred more than efficiently.

Illustration shows a neuron which has an oval cell body. Branchlike dentrites extend from three sides of the body. A long, thin axon extends from the fourth side. At the end of the axon are branchlike terminals. A cell called an oligodendrocyte grows alongside the axon. Projections from the oligodendrocyte wrap around the axon, forming a myelin sheath. Gaps between parts of the sheath are called nodes of Ranvier. Another cell called an astrocyte sits alongside the axon.

Link to Learning

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Click through the interactive review to larn more about epithelial tissues.

Career Connections


A pathologist is a medical doctor or veterinarian who has specialized in the laboratory detection of disease in animals, including humans. These professionals complete medical schoolhouse education and follow information technology with an extensive post-graduate residency at a medical centre. A pathologist may oversee clinical laboratories for the evaluation of body tissue and blood samples for the detection of disease or infection. They examine tissue specimens through a microscope to identify cancers and other diseases. Some pathologists perform autopsies to decide the crusade of expiry and the progression of disease.

Section Summary

The basic building blocks of complex animals are four primary tissues. These are combined to course organs, which have a specific, specialized function inside the torso, such every bit the pare or kidney. Organs are organized together to perform common functions in the form of systems. The four chief tissues are epithelia, connective tissues, muscle tissues, and nervous tissues.

Art Connections

[link] Which of the following statements about types of epithelial cells is false?

  1. Uncomplicated columnar epithelial cells line the tissue of the lung.
  2. Simple cuboidal epithelial cells are involved in the filtering of blood in the kidney.
  3. Pseudostratisfied columnar epithilia occur in a single layer, but the arrangement of nuclei makes it appear that more than i layer is present.
  4. Transitional epithelia change in thickness depending on how full the bladder is.

[link] A

Review Questions

Which blazon of epithelial cell is best adapted to aid improvidence?

  1. squamous
  2. cuboidal
  3. columnar
  4. transitional


Which blazon of epithelial prison cell is establish in glands?

  1. squamous
  2. cuboidal
  3. columnar
  4. transitional


Which type of epithelial jail cell is found in the urinary bladder?

  1. squamous
  2. cuboidal
  3. columnar
  4. transitional


Which blazon of connective tissue has the most fibers?

  1. loose connective tissue
  2. fibrous connective tissue
  3. cartilage
  4. bone


Which blazon of connective tissue has a mineralized different matrix?

  1. loose connective tissue
  2. fibrous connective tissue
  3. cartilage
  4. os


The jail cell found in bone that breaks it down is called an ________.

  1. osteoblast
  2. osteocyte
  3. osteoclast
  4. osteon


The cell institute in bone that makes the os is called an ________.

  1. osteoblast
  2. osteocyte
  3. osteoclast
  4. osteon


Plasma is the ________.

  1. fibers in blood
  2. matrix of blood
  3. prison cell that phagocytizes bacteria
  4. prison cell fragment found in the tissue


The type of musculus cell under voluntary control is the ________.

  1. smooth muscle
  2. skeletal muscle
  3. cardiac muscle
  4. visceral muscle


The function of a neuron that contains the nucleus is the

  1. cell body
  2. dendrite
  3. axon
  4. glial


Free Response

How can squamous epithelia both facilitate diffusion and foreclose damage from abrasion?

Squamous epithelia tin be either simple or stratified. Equally a single layer of cells, information technology presents a very thin epithelia that minimally inhibits diffusion. As a stratified epithelia, the surface cells tin can be sloughed off and the cells in deeper layers protect the underlying tissues from damage.

What are the similarities between cartilage and bone?

Both contain cells other than the traditional fibroblast. Both take cells that lodge in spaces within the tissue chosen lacunae. Both collagen and elastic fibers are plant in os and cartilage. Both tissues participate in vertebrate skeletal development and formation.


microchannel that connects the lacunae and aids improvidence between cells
type of connective tissue with a big amount of footing substance matrix, cells called chondrocytes, and some corporeality of fibers
cell plant in cartilage
columnar epithelia
epithelia fabricated of cells taller than they are broad, specialized in absorption
connective tissue
type of tissue made of cells, ground substance matrix, and fibers
cuboidal epithelia
epithelia made of cube-shaped cells, specialized in glandular functions
epithelial tissue
tissue that either lines or covers organs or other tissues
gristly connective tissue
blazon of connective tissue with a high concentration of fibers
space in cartilage and bone that contains living cells
loose (areolar) connective tissue
type of connective tissue with small amounts of cells, matrix, and fibers; establish around blood vessels
component of connective tissue fabricated of both living and non-living (basis substances) cells
subunit of meaty bone
layer of epithelia that appears multilayered, but is a simple covering
simple epithelia
single layer of epithelial cells
squamous epithelia
type of epithelia fabricated of flat cells, specialized in aiding improvidence or preventing abrasion
stratified epithelia
multiple layers of epithelial cells
tiny plate that makes up spongy os and gives it force
transitional epithelia
epithelia that tin can transition for appearing multilayered to simple; too chosen uroepithelial


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