
How Do U Find Your Spirit Animal

When you are new to the globe of magical spirit animals, at that place are two fundamental questions you take in mind. Beginning, how exercise y'all notice your spirit animals, and also how do y'all know your spirit beast?

These two questions look like, simply actually, they are quite different questions. So today, I will elaborate on the answer for how do yous know your spirit animal.

In dictionary to know has two meanings:

Exist enlightened of through observation, inquiry, or information.

Have adult a relationship with (someone) by meeting and spending time with them; be familiar or friendly.

So in the low-cal of these meanings of "knowing," allow's reply the question: how exercise you know your spirit animate being?

Or better to say how you lot can exist aware of spirit animals through observation, inquiry, or information and how you can develop a relationship with your spirit animals.

Are you fix?

So, let's starting time!

How to notice your spirit animals?

Every bit I accept explained in a higher place, in this article, I volition focus on knowing your spirit animal. If y'all would like to learn more than about finding your spirit animals, you can read here.

How would y'all know your spirit animate being?

At the archway of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, information technology said: "know thyself."

Knowing your spirit beast is too knowing yourself and vice versa.

The more you know yourself, you lot will realize that the more yous volition know about your spirit animal.

The more you will know virtually your spirit animal, the more you will comprehend almost yourself.

So having said this, are y'all fix to beginning a relationship with your spirit animal?

How exercise you meet your spirit brute?

Showtime, y'all need to get prepared for this life-irresolute relationship with your spirit animal.

Spirit fauna is free energy like everything else.

#i. Invite that energy with your intention.

To make your intention visible, you can create an altar for your spirit brute, or if you already have an altar, you can add details with the symbolic meaning of your spirit brute.

#ii. Get a spirit brute diary to write your findings.

#iii. Say your intention aloud/pray

In the book "Spirit Animals. Unlocking the Secrets of Our Animal Companions", Stefanie Iris Weiss gives us two prayers that y'all can use:

"If y'all are still not sure which animal is your spirit animal, yous can pray as such;

Right here, right now, I am reaching out for what I need. I may know precisely what that is yet. Whatever shape you lot take, I open up my mind and torso to your spiritual wisdom. I want to encounter you, feel yous, smell you and understand you. I want to explore your habitat to fill my earth with the healing and pure ability y'all possess. Y'all are the next step of my path.

If you lot are sure nearly your spirit beast, so below is your prayer;

I invite you into my life (say your spirit animal's name here). I crave your energy. Everything I have washed up to now has led to this moment. I am reaching deep into the collective unconscious, so I can see you, feel you, touch you and odour you. I'm set for the wisdom only you tin can provide."

How do you lot larn your spirit animal?

Once you beginning creating a relationship with your spirit creature, the next step is learning well-nigh your spirit animate being.

In that location are ii sources of information to larn, internal and external.

Let's start with internal information.

When and how can you see your spirit fauna?

In my journey with my spirit animals, internal sources of knowing have been the well-nigh important ones.

Yous are unique, so your spirit animals' letters for yous.

This does not hateful that nosotros will not get information from external resources.

We volition acquire the residuum of the sources of information, and sometimes external information will help us trust our internal knowing each time more than.

Where and how can you see your spirit animals? In shamanic journeys, meditations, dreams, and even tarot and other cards.

Allow your intention focus your energy.

#1. Shamanic Journeying:

For me, the number 1 resources to run across my spirit creature is the shamanic journey. You lot tin can learn more about how to make shamanic journeys here.

Write near your findings in your shamanic journey in your spirit animals notebook.

Link to YouTube video.

#two. Dreams:

Your dreams will be the source of coming together with your spirit animals likewise. If you do not know how to work with your dreams, start small-scale.

Have a dream notebook and exit information technology merely beside your bed.

Before sleeping, relax. Try non to have any screen two hours earlier going to bed.

Y'all tin have a shower, exercise some animate and meditating exercises, and relax.

Say your intention of meeting with your spirit animal and ask the question that you lot have in mind.

You tin visualize yourself content just after receiving the answer from your spirit animate being, earlier going to sleep.

Once you lot wake up, write your dream. The get-go thing you do.

If you do non encounter anything in the beginning, accept patience.

You lot tin also get some disquisitional elements of the dream and gratis write well-nigh their symbolic meaning.

#3. Meditation:

You can also meditate to meet with your spirit animal. Relax and meditate. In that place of silence, say your intention internally. Write your experience to your spirit animal notebook.

#4. Tarot:

You tin can enquire your tarot deck questions near your spirit animal or ask help from your spirit animal to be seen via tarot cards to provide its wisdom to you.

#5. Other cards:

You can also use other oracle cards—for instance, those specifically for spirit animals to ask your questions. You can see some card examples here and here.

How can you know your spirit brute?

#1. Read books well-nigh spirit animals and shamanism.

I invite you lot to the sacred world of shamanism and spirit animals' books. I am providing below a list of the books that you can enjoy.

  • Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, Mircea Eliade
  • The Style of the Shaman: A Guide to Ability and Healing, Michael Harner
  • Shamanic Journey, The Beginner's Guide, Sandra Ingerman
  • Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals past Dr. Steven Farmer
  • Spirit Animals – Unlocking the Secrets of Our Animal Companions by Stefanie Iris Weiss
  • The Cloak-and-dagger Power of Spirit Animals by Skye Alexander
  • Ayşe Nilgün Arıt, Sacred Guides in Shamanism (in Turkish just)

#2. Learn as much equally you can well-nigh your spirit animals. Read mythologies and stories almost your spirit animal.

Open your radars and learn everything you can about your spirit animal's personality and traits, symbolic meanings, and representation throughout human being history and their spiritual meanings.

You tin discover many manufactures on our blog.

To give some examples. If you are looking for;

  • How practice you know if your spirit animal is a wolf?
  • How do you know if your spirit animal is a cat?
  • How do you know if your spirit fauna is a tiger?

#3. Learn about your spirit beast's four-elements

Each element corresponds to specific modes of expression, energy patterns, and realms of feel.

  • Earth: bodily life, necesities, and textile resources.
  • Air: mental activity, intellect, and communication.
  • Fire: sexual life, desires, and creativity.
  • Water: emotional life, feelings, and intuition.

If you go aware of your spirit beast'south element, this tin can give information well-nigh your force and weaknesses and how to balance to bring harmony to your life.

Nosotros are alchemists, working with these four elements in the search for harmony. Aren't nosotros?

Some animals can have just one element:

  • The dolphin's element is water.
  • The hummingbird'south element is air.
  • The snake'due south element is World.

Moreover, in the example of the Phoenix, the mythological spirit beast has both air and burn.

#4. Pay attention to the seasonal and daily cycles of your spirit brute

How is the bike of your spirit brute? Are they awake at night or during the twenty-four hour period? Which season is their favorite? Are they active all the seasons?

Learning about their cycles tin can mean learning nearly your cycles likewise.

#5. Learn about the medicine of your spirit brute

Each spirit animal represents dissimilar medicines. You lot tin can read the articles about other spirit animals in My Sacred Space weblog about the medicine of each spirit beast.

Observe them.

#6. Pay attending to the symbiotic relationship between animals

You can retrieve about other animals that your spirit creature is in a relationship with. This can be in the predator-prey category, or they tin can share common benefits.

Knowing this compatibility character with other animals can requite you information about your spirit animate being and you.

#vii. Amend your senses to recognize your spirit animals when they bear witness upward

The better your senses become, the more prepared you will be to recognize your spirit animal and receive its messages.

I tin recommend you some easy to do daily practices to improve your senses:

  • Improve your sense of sight: While walking the path yous walk every day, try to recognize all the details and write about them when you return abode.
  • Sense of odour: Get some essential oils and smell them while your eyes are closed. And so try to recognize what each oil is.
  • Improve your sense of hearing: Get a picket and hear its "tik tak" due south for a while daily.
  • Sense of touch: You lot tin can bear upon your partner's manus and face and try to envision information technology in your listen.

How do you know what your spirit animal is?

Ayşe Nilgün Arıt says that;

"Shamanic work is to be in the At present physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Is to be here

Being fully aware of everything nearly yourself

Unless we learn this thoroughly, the shamanic journeying cannot produce the desired result."

So while learning about your spirit animals, in reality, you are learning much more than that.

You lot volition learn well-nigh the philosophy of shamanism: the world's oldest conventionalities system.

You will gain self-trust, creativity, and empowerment.

Afterward daily practices and creating relationships, you lot volition know what your spirit animal is.

How to honor your spirit animal?

So, in one case you lot know full heartedly what your spirit animal is, you will desire to give back to them. Honor them.

Be creative and notice your ways of honoring your spirit beast. Do non forget this is a living relationship; giving and receiving.

Some ideas to honor your spirit animals;

  • Find pictures of your spirit fauna in magazines or online and brandish them in your dwelling house or workplace.
  • Draw, paint, or sculpt images of your spirit animal.
  • Write a poem or story about your spirit animal.
  • Wear jewelry or article of clothing with the animal'south picture on information technology.
  • Get a tattoo of your animal.
  • Get to a park, beach, subcontract, wild fauna sanctuary, or other places to see your spirit animal.

How do y'all tell your spirit animate being?

When you begin to live a human relationship with your spirit animals, they will get one of your best friends.

You will want to share your experiences with people.

We are living in a world where un-seen has not whatsoever place for some people.

They believe in those things that they tin come across with their eyes.

So recall that you exercise not have to tell everybody about your spirit animals.

Particularly those people who exercise non believe, respect your gut feeling, and exercise not share if you feel uncomfortable sharing your reality with them.


Shamanic perception helped me pass the fields of incertitude and reach a place of knowing instead of believing.

With some patience and good intentions, and practice, you will know.

The more than your know, the more than you volition realize that y'all know nothing.

Then you will give up and be blessed in front of this spider web of life.

Check our other articles around the topic:

  • What Is the Meaning of a Spirit Animal?
  • How To Find What Your Spirit Animal Is?
  • If You lot Ask What Spirit Animate being Is Yours, Learn Here How to Find
  • How To Shamanic Journey?
  • What Is Shamanic Journey Drumming and How Does Shamanic Drumming Work?
  • How Exercise I Talk To The Universe?
  • How To Connect with Your Spirit Guides?

Below is a Pinterest  friendly photograph…. so, you can pin information technology to yourSpirit Beast Board!


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